Wednesday, February 3, 2010


As a complement to my Fat-burning weight loss program I have added beachwalks. Every morning at 6, I grab my bamboo walking stick, don my special beachwalking shoes and head for the ocean with my dogs, Gracie and Sally. This is a photo of Potrero Beach looking south to Flamingo around 3 miles distant.

The beach has been maggoty with fisherfolk. You can see that the pelicans are in close to the water's edge feasting on baitfish. This means that there are bigger fish in close as well and the locals are well aware of that. They wade into the surf and toss out handlines to catch their breakfast and with a little luck their dinner too.

The shoes really are special. Normally I wore flip-flops but they are useless -dangerous even - when wet and the sand gets in them and sticks to your feet and usually you kick them off and carry them. They have introduced a kind of duck boot here that works like the proverbial charm. They are really lightweight and stay on your feet. As long as you watch where you're stepping they keep the sand out and you have a comfortable walk without having to carry them. I love them. And I was lucky enough to get a pair in basic black. They are often orange, lime or grape coloured...not my style.

We have a lot of shore birds too. Above is a heron looking proud as a peacock...hmmmm.

This is my backyard, livin' in the rainforest.

I walk from the house to the beach and then north to the place where the beach ends in a volcanic promontory separating us from the next beach. Then I turn around and walk back. I meet somebody I know every day and usually stop for a chat. I get home in around an hour, just in time to have a nutritious breakfast and start work.

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